10 Local (Indonesia) Accessories Brand to Step Up Your Outfit Game

[credit: antyk butyk]

[credit: antyk butyk]

I love accessories, especially the unique one. They add more colors to our outfit. They became a center of attention if we wore a simple plain outfit they become more like statement of our outfit.

Although there are so many brands out there, I prefer brands from local. Let’s just say that I support local. They have unique design, good quality, with reasonable price.

Here are some of local brands that I adore. Especially for their necklaces, which are wearable for me as hijaber. If you are looking for local accessories brand to step up your outfit game, they are some of the best out there.

Massicot by Amanda Matsuri and Ramdhan Muhammad

What I love about Massicot is that each pendulum (stone) does not have the same visual and it always one of a kind. It is a statement. It doesn’t matter if you wear a plain shirt, T-shirt, or even dress, because a piece of massicot accessories will definitely step up your plain outfit.

Schonmoi by Vedca Maria Orissa

What I really love about their necklaces are almost all of them made of wood. So it can pretty much called as part of ecofashion or sustainable fashion. The design also very unique. They are a little bit retro or vintage. So when you wanted to add some nice touch of vintage or retro style to step up your outfit game, Schon is one of the best choice out there.

Antyk butyk

All I could say about antyk butyk is not boring at all. Their accessories design or material often amazed me. The slight of culture can be see in each of their piece. You can look edgy, unique, funky, elegant, vintage, and feminine with one of their accessories in your outfit.

Environmental jewelry by Ega & Julia (EJ)

A jewelry brand which all their jewelry carefully handcrafted using dry rice grain. Yes, rice, the same rice that we used to see everyday and ate every single day. Some piece of rice add to your outfit will definitely step up your outfit game. Especially if you are a nature lover or looking for a sustainable jewelry.

Eden by sight by Jessica Saputro and Handy Yonathan

They were known for their natural gemstone in each of their accessories. Each of them are unique because of their raw nature. The design is simple and the gemstone that they use are colorful and pretty which make us look elegant.


If you want to look as pretty as if you are going to attend some tea party, just put on one of their accessories and you’ll definitely be center of attention. They really can mix kinds of rope with beads, shapes resin, or tassel into a beautiful and unique piece.

From Tiny Islands

Just like their brand name, they do look tiny and simple. Made mostly of silver and gold plated is perfect to add a statement to your outfit. If you are looking for an elegant yet not to eye catching, they are probably the best.

Atelier Pedra by Emiria Larasati

For edgy, classic, and elegant looks to step up your outfit game, Atelier Pedra offers a a simple yet detail accessories made of gold, silver, and stone. I love how simple their design look like.

Klar by Talita Natalia

A brand which use acrylic as their main material. Looks edgy, structured, and solid. They really did justice for their philosophy which is ‘a silent statement.’

Moth Jewellery

Their accessories is beyond unique. Color pencils, literally, on your plain, simple, or effortlessly outfit will mostly gain any attention out there. Not to mention, their unique and creative design. You’ll definitely want to have one of their accessories after you see them.

Busana Muslim Bagi Para Penggemar Korea

Revealing Innocence - Iva Latifah (12)Sebagai seorang muslimah, saya sering kali mencari inspirasi berbusana. Salah satu koleksi yang menarik perhatian saya adalah koleksi Iva Lativah di Indonesia Fashion Week 2014 yang bertajuk Revealing Innocence. Koleksi tersebut merupakan akulturasi Indonesia dan Korea. Busana yang ditampilkan mirip sekali dengan Hanbok (busana tradisional Korea) namun dengan sentuhan Indonesia berupa kain batik khas asli Indonesia.

Revealing Innocence - Iva Latifah (13)Saya pribadi memang terpikat oleh hanbok * akibat sering menonton drama korea yang bertema era-era Joseon * Makanya jangan heran kalau saya memasukkan film Korea berjudul “The Royal Tailor” ke dalam daftar 25 film yang layak ditonton untuk fashionnya karena disepanjang film, kita akan disuguhi berbagai hanbok yang indah dan menawan.

Sempat terbayang, hanbok itu sepertinya cocok untuk saya pakai karena desainnya yang berupa atasan dan rok panjang nan lebar, longgar, juga berlapis-lapis * dalam artian tidak menonjolkan lekuk tubuh * Oleh karena itu, ketika Iva Lativah meluncurkan koleksi akulturasinya itu, rasanya seperti salah satu impian saya terwujud sudah. * mengingat saya penggemar Korea dan pecinta batik *

Hanbok + batik + baju muslim = one of my dreams came true

Tidak salah rasanya memasukkan desainer Iva Lativah ke dalam 25 desainer busana muslim Indonesia favorit saya.

Revealing Innocence - Iva Latifah (11)Revealing Innocence - Iva Latifah (9)Revealing Innocence - Iva Latifah (14) Revealing Innocence - Iva Latifah (6) Revealing Innocence - Iva Latifah (7) Revealing Innocence - Iva Latifah (5) Revealing Innocence - Iva Latifah (10) Revealing Innocence - Iva Latifah (8) Revealing Innocence - Iva Latifah (3) Revealing Innocence - Iva Latifah (4) Revealing Innocence - Iva Latifah (2) Revealing Innocence - Iva Latifah (1)


disclaimer: I do not own the pictures. credit goest to wollipop.com and others right owner.

25 Desainer Busana Muslim Indonesia Favorit Saya

Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa Indonesia merupakan negara dengan jumlah muslim terbanyak di dunia. Semakin tahun semakin banyak muslimah yang mengenakan hijab dan berbusana muslim dalam kesehariannya. Oleh karena itu, tidaklah mengherankan bila sekarang banyak sekali muncul Desainer busana muslim di Indonesia, mengingat pangsa pasar yang begitu besar di industri ini.

Bahkan, saya berdoa semoga Indonesia menjadi pusat mode busana muslim dunia, layaknya Paris yang menjadi pusat mode dunia fashion hingga saat ini.

Dari sekian banyak desainer busana muslim berbakat di Indonesia, saya memilih 25 desainer yang karyanya selalu membuat saya terkagum-kagum. Let me summarize it as my 25  favorite designer as of today onwards.

1. Irna Mutiara – IM, up2date, Irna La perle

irna la perle 2irna mutiara 2 irna mutiara 1 irna la perle 1

2. Dian PelangiDian pelangi

dian pelangi 2 dian pelangi 3 dian pelangi 4

3. Monika Jufry – sessa,  2pose

monika jufry 1 monika jufry 2

4. Jenahara NasutionJenahara

jenahara 2 jenahara 1

5. Iva Latifah

Alamat: Jl. Dederuk No.6 Sadangserang Coblong Bandung Jawa Barat, 40132

Telepon:(022) 2506149
iva latifah 3 iva latifah 2

6. Fitri AuliaKivitz

kivitz 1

kivitz 2

7. Ghaida TsurayyaGDA’s by Ghaida

gda's 1 gda's 28. Ria MirandaRia Miranda

ria miranda 3 ria miranda 2 ria miranda 19. Lulu El HasbuEl Hasbu

elhasbu 2 elhasbu 110. Toto Supangat

toto supangat 1 toto supangat 2 toton supangat 3

11. Anne Rufaidah

12. Merry PramonoSi.Se.Sa

merry pramono 1 merry pramono 2

13. Nuniek Mawardi

Alamat: Jl. Pejompongan No.29, Jakarta Pusat, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10210
Telepon:(021) 5749054
nuniek 3 nuniek 2 nuniek 1

14. Dian MarinaMissmarina

missmarina 1 missmarina 2

15. Najua Yanti

najua yanti 1 najua yanti 216. Jeny Tjahyawati

Alamat: Cipinang Cipedak IV No. 20e Polonia-Jkt Timur, Phone : 021 – 85910228/ 08158790848


jeny 1 jeny 2jeny 3

17. Nieta Hidayani

Alamat: No. 28A, Cipinang Cempedak 4, Ps. Rebo, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13760
nieta hidayani 1 nieta hidayani 2

18. Hannie HanantoAnemone

hanie hananto 1 hanie hananto 219. Tuty AdibBilqis

tuty adib 2 tuty adib 120. Ida Royani

Alamat: JL Cinere Raya, Blok A No. 63, Cinere, 16514
Telepon:(021) 7545708
ida royani 1 ida royani 2

21. Nur Zahra

nurzahra 2 nurzahra 122. Norma Hauri

norma hauri 1 norma hauri 223. Restu AnggrainiEtu

etu 5 etu 1 etu 424. Zaskia SungkarZaskia Sungkar Jakarta

zaskia sungkar 125. Istafiana Candarini, Nadya Karina and Afina Candarini Kami Idea

kami idea 1kami idea 2



I don’t own all of pictures shown in here. Pictures credit belongs to respective owner (you know who you are!).



25 Unusual Unique Bracelet in My Must-have List

Some of you might already find out that I am so into bracelet * sorry for many post about bracelet, just can’t help it * It doesn’t mean that I don’t like other accessories, I do like all kinds of accessories, but bracelet fits me more.

There are so many beautiful bracelets out there. But these 25 bracelets are in my most wanted list because they are so unique. They are very stands out. Some might thought it’s weird. But some of them might be love by my little student 🙂

1. Car Bracelet

car braceletthe-original-car-bracelet

This bracelet are surely unique, one of a kind. Would love to try to wear it. And if I do, I’m sure everyone will pay their attention on me. Think that I’m weird or just unique. One thing for sure, my little student definitely will love it. They might pull one of the car to be played.

2. Xcontroller bracelet


This one is so cool. A gamer should have one of this thinking to give it to my bro I am not a true gamer, at least not as much as my brother, but really want this.

3. Nut bracelet

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Isn’t it pretty. Nuts that always hidden in the deep of our house or maybe a warehouse can turn into such a beautiful bracelet.

4. Measuring Tape Bracelet

measuring-tape-bracelet DSC09540 tape measure bracelet pinktape-measure-bracelet1

Never even crossed my mind to make a bracelet out of measuring tape or metrics. If it crossed my mind back then, my mom measuring tape will not survive. I’ll probably snatched it away, cut it and made into one of these bracelet.


5. Lego Bracelet

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Oh my, I just made my own lego bracelet and I love it. It quite unique and funky. Every time I wore it, I feel like some people took a glance of my wrist. I guess they wondered where I get that from. This lego bracelet is definitely suited for legos lovers out there. Oh, I love those series of bracelet with star wars theme. reminds me of my little student, gabriel who reaaaaaaly love star wars.

6. Popsicle bracelet


This colorful bracelet made of popsickle stick. but we have to covered it or decorated with anything we like. I personally like it colorful just like the picture.

7. Zipper bracelet

rainbow-vintage-zipper-slide-bracelet kkkil_570xN.360703188_nv40

These are one of unique bracelet I can not get over with. Have one of the bracelet and wear it one day to school. Children are kept asking me, why there were zippers in my wrist.

8. Keyboard key bracelet

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I definitely would love to make one of this or maybe buy it. It’s like a statement that I am a geek. But love the idea, use the keys from the broken keyboards as bracelet rather than just throw it to the trash bin. It kinda cool too, for I am computer lover hehehe.

9. Bottle caps bracelet


Bottle caps? the edge is a little bit sharp don’t you think? It’s not safe for kids but safe for me. Love to have one started to collect some bottle caps from no onwards

10. Buttons bracelet

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Buttons. I love buttons. Since my mom is my private tailor at least now so I befriends with buttons a lot. Attempted to make a bracelet with some of them, just a simple one. Now, I want those bracelet in the pics. So cute.

11. Bullets bracelet

bullet braceletvirginia-vivier-bullet-crystal-bracelet-400x339 bullet5_1 AAAAC44hCNYAAAAAATjomQ


Woooow. They are bullets. Some of them are silver bullets have it on your wrist then you don’t have to be afraid of vampires LOL

12. Resistor bracelet


Ahhh, even resistor can be a bracelet. What an idea. Its a perfect idea since the resistor itself have so many different colors and patterns.

13. Planet charms bracelet


It’s actually just a charm bracelet. But what unique about it is the charm itself. They are planets in our galaxy. Wear them, then you have the entire galaxy in your wrist. How cool is that sound.

14. Safety Pin bracelet

DIY-Gold-Sequins-Safety-Pin-Chain-Bracelet7Birch Bracelet

For me as hijabers, safety pins are very important things. It keeps my hijab/ veil stay on its place. So, having them as bracelet is kinds of good idea. they are pretty in our wrist and also can help us if we suddenly needs the pin throughout the day.

15. Motherboard PCB bracelet

Motherboard PCB Braceletxdiy-electronic-bracelet.jpeg.pagespeed.ic._q7RrzBQnk

Whaaat!!! Motherboard PCB and other electronic things from our computer? Very cool man, very cool…

16. Color pencil/ pencil/ crayon bracelet

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Cutie bracelet. Colorful and unique. A litle bit hard to make it, but then what is online store for 🙂

17. Abacus bracelet

DIY Abacus Bracelet via Instructables[4]

Okay, this is perfect for me. Since I’m not really into mathematics. How I wish i had this bracelet during my elementary school. where I still learn how to count things. It will be a lot easier then.

18. LV bow bracelet


This is one of my wishlist and still a wish. I can not afford to buy this now. Even if I am, I don’t think I’ll use my money for it, yet. In love with the color and design. For once, looks like a belt or a pet tie. Imagine how it looks like in my wrist started dreaming

19. Steel bicycle chain bracelet


What should I say, A bicycle chain in my wrist. Manly, am I?

20. Make up kit bracelet

Rainbow makeup bracelet  cb5da7_6ce0d63a0c9445528e7439f492ede9b3.jpg_srz_260_290_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srzIMG_0861

This is what woman needs. It’s not ‘harmful’ to have one of this. It could be our savior, like a first aid kit during a date, maybe.

21. Pop Tab Bracelet

top can recycledpoptab_bracelet_1

recycle jewelry 035img_3768




Start right now, lets grab some drink, in a can off course and keep the pop tab shall we.

22. Newspaper bracelet


Ok, it is very unique. Just remember not to jump into the water while wearing this.

23. Piano keys bracelet


Cuteeee. I can imagine wearing this and also wearing a totebag with piano keys picture on it. If only I’m a pianist :p Oh, it reminds me of a dorama and also anime “Nodame Contabile”

24. Wood bracelet


Love it to the max. Very earthy and natural. Simple.

25. Personalized rice grain bracelet

SIlver-Diamond-Bracelet-CHARITY-920x864 2012-04-06 14.01.15

I want these bracelet. I wonder what word should be written on the rice grain that perfectly suits me hmmmmm….thinking


Indonesia Islamic Fashion Fair 2013

Akhirnya jadi juga saya nge-post mengenai IIFF 2013 atau yang dikenal dengan Indonesia Islamic Fashion Fair 2013 dengan jargon Style Unlimited. Meskipun latepost, tapi saya ingin sekali share mengenai pengalaman saya di IIFF 2013 ini.

One thing for sure, my prayer for that day was “God, please, don’t let me be greedy today.”

Jadi, kami beangkat ke JCC pagi-pagi, berharap kalau datang pagi maka tidak akan terlalu ramai pengunjung. Terlebih lagi, hari itu merupakan hari terakhir IIFF 2013. Saya bersama saudara dan teman berniat menjelajahi seluruh booth yang ada di IIFF. Harapannya sih begitu, tapi kenyataan berkata lain.

Tapi betapa kagetnya saya, sesampainya di sana, antrian pengunjung sudah mengular. Berarti, bukan hanya saya yang berpikir bahwa datang pagi akan sepi. Ratusan orang punya pikiran yang sama,  maka beginilah jadinya, antrian panjang di loket tiket masuk padahal loket baru saja dibuka.

Indonesia islamic fashion fair 2013-2

Begitu berhasil masuk, sambil menunggu teman yang masih dalam perjalanan, kami sempatkan diri untuk berfoto dahulu. Lumayan daripada diam menunggu. Jepret sana jepret sini, mumpung masih sepi.

Teman datang, bukannya kita langsung ke pameran, malahan foto-foto lagi. Sudah puas berfoto, barulah kami menjelajahi booth yang ada di pameran.

Oiya, di bawah ini merupakan hasil karya beberapa perancang berbakat dari Indonesia.

Indonesia islamic fashion fair 2013-5Indonesia islamic fashion fair 2013-6

Puas melihat baju nan indah, mulailah saya mampir ke beberapa booth yang memang sudah direncanakan untuk dikunjungi. Sebut saja, dian pelangi, shafira, elzatta, kivitz, mocca, vania, zoya, gda’s by ghaida,sellitoes, hingga irna la perle. They all very recommended brand for moslem fashion.

Terutama yang terakhir, Irna la Perle, yang sungguh menarik perhatian saya. Sejak dulu saya memang suka dengan koleksi mereka. Walaupun belum mampu untuk membelinya. Mulai dari modelnya yang sederhana, warna pastel dan earth color yang jadi ciri khasnya, serta bahan yang ringan dan melayang. Pokoknya, benar-benar indah.

Indonesia islamic fashion fair 2013-8

Look at my face. Mupeng alias muka pengen. Ini dia saya persembahkan, Irna La Perle collection.Setelah puas berkeliling ke booth-booth yang ada, akhirnya kami pamit juga. Walaupun pada akhirnya, tidak semua booth kami kunjungi. Takutnya saya jadi greedy alias rakus, pengen belanja sana-sini.

Untung ada mama dan sepupu yang setia menjadi ‘satpam’ saya. Senantiasa mengingatkan untuk membeli apa yang dibutuhkan alias tidak berlebihan.

Selesailah perjalanan kami kali ini. Sungguh berharap pameran ini, IIFF akan selalu hadir setiap tahunnya. Selain menambah pengetahuan untuk para hijaber di Indonesia, jakarta khususnya, pameran ini juga sebagai ajang untuk mendorong perancang muslimah muda berbakat untuk berkarya jauh lebih baik lagi.