Your Job Is Not Your Career by Rene Suhardono

Setiap kalimat dalam buku ini, entah kenapa terasa benar adanya. Saya pun, setuju 99 persen dengan semua yang dikemukakan dalam buku ini.

Attitude kita sekarang menentukan model hidup yang akan kita jalani sekarang dan selanjutnya.

Kalau berpikir akan hidup luar biasa, maka kehidupan luar biasa juga yang akan kita jalani.

You are what you think you are and you will become what you think you will become.

All about choices.

Dalam hidup, jangan pernah lupa bahwa pilihan selalu ada. Selalu lebih baik memilih yang positif dan melihatnya sebagai yang positif.

Dalam setiap langkah yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan dan karier, expect only the best and nothing else.

If you want rainbow, then you’ve got to put up with the rain.

A Simple Life by Desi Anwar

Love banget sama buku ini. Love love love.

Buku yang ditulis sama salah satu perempuan panutan saya, Desi Anwar. Perempuan yang pintar, jago bahasa inggris, jurnalis hebat (lihat saja tokoh yang sudah berhasil dia wawancarai), dengan kehidupan pribadi yang bikin iri. Iri dalam artian positif.

Buku ini tuh selain inspiratif juga healing banget. Saya pribadi bisa bilang, setara dengan buku-buku healing di luar sana macam buku-bukunya Haenim Sunim, bahkan mungkin lebih.

Malah buku ini lebih relate sama saya. Karena kita sama-sama perempuan Indonesia dengan latar belakang kultur yang sama.

Membaca buku ini seakan saya mendapat energi baru. Untuk menjalani dan memandang hidup dengan lebih sederhana. Seakan kita diajak untuk “pause” sejenak, dan lihat seperti apa hidup kita saat ini.

Suka banget sama penulisan dan kosa kata yang digunakan mba Desi (ngaku aja bliau adalah mba saya). Dibaca berulang kali pun, tetap dapat feel-nya.

Kebetulan buku ini adalah versi English-nya. And, I love it to the bone!

The Sandhills of Arabia by Laila Hasib

This book is a tear jerker. I ended up crying in some part of the story.It was about friendship, about hardship, about love, and about finding who you really are, literally.The friendship between two people with different background and religion, between Syahidah and Mary O’Brien who met in the middle of war.Beyond their friendship, there are secret need to unveil.This is one of those books that made me read without the need of bookmark.

Ada Kemudahan dibalik Kesusahan

Selepas kuliah, saya pernah merasa ‘lelah.’ Hidup saat itu entah kenapa terasa susah. Padahal biasanya, orang kalo kelar kuliahnya pasti langsung plong bahagia. Tinggal cari kerja, buka usaha, atau nikah. Tapi tidak dengan saya. Setidaknya saya yang dulu. .

Sejak kepergian kaka dan bapak, hidup memang amat berat. Saat itu, yang ada dihadapan dan dipikiran saya adalah kesusahan, bagaimana caranya bertahan hidup, dan rasa bersalah kepada mama juga adik saya. (maklum saat itu pikiran saya masih cemen).

Sampai akhirnya saya tidak sengaja mengenal ISCO, Indonesia Street Children Organization. LSM yang percaya bahwa setiap anak memiliki kesempatan yang sama untuk mendapatkan pendidikan formal. Dalam hal ini, anak-anak jalanan.

Saat itu, project officer ISCO, mba Merry, mengajak saya mengikuti kegiatan beliau sehari-hari. Mulai dari kantor ISCO, sekolah, sanggar, sampai ke kawasan kumuh tempat anak-anak ISCO tinggal. Dari situlah mata dan hati saya lebih terbuka, betapa banyak orang yang hidupnya jauh lebih susah. Dan betapa saya amat sangat ingin membantu mereka. Namun apa daya, pekerjaan tak punya, penghasilan apalagi.

Kala itu, saya hanya bisa menjadi volunteer yang sekadar menemani, berbagi cerita, dan canda tawa. Berharap saya bisa sedikit mengurangi kesusahan mereka.

Dan percaya ga percaya, Alloh pun mengurangi kesusahan saya. Memudahkan segala urusan dalam mencari pekerjaan, dan mengembalikan saya ke ‘trek’ yang benar.

30 Korean Drama with Doctors theme

Most leads in korean drama usually have differents background. Start from chaebol, attorney, PD, CEO of companies, teacher, musician, doctors, police, surgeon, chef, director, barista, singer, dancer, writer, and many more.

All those occupation in drama, somewhat increase viewers knowledge on the occupation itself. At least, that is what happens to me. Especially when the lead’s job is one of a kind job or a rare one out there.

Out of many occupation, doctors is one of the most common in korean dramas.

So here are list of korean drama with doctors theme which caught my attention.

1. Doctor John (2019)

2. Doctors (2016)

3. Good Doctor (2013)

4. Yong Pal (2015)

5. Descendants of the Sun (2016)

6. Doctor Stranger (2014)

7. Doctor Prisoner (2019)

8. Doctor Detective (2019)

9. Faith: The Great Doctor (2012)

10. Hospital Ship (2017)

11. Time Slip Dr. Jin (2012)

12. Angel Eyes (2014)

13. Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim (2016)

14. Blood (2015)

15. Live up to your name, Dr. Heo (2017)

16. A poem a day (2018)

17. D-Day (2015)

18. Emergency couple (2014)

19. Hearts surgeon (2018)

20. Late Night Hospital (2011)

21. Medical Top Team (2013)

22. New Heart (2007)

23. Dr. Champ (2010)

24. Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctors (2010)

25. Surgeon Bong Dal Hee (2007)

26. The Third Hospital (2012)

27. The King’s Doctor (2012)

28. General Hospital (2008)

29. Before and after: Plastic Surgery Clinic (2008)

30. Dr. Gang (2006)

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? By Bill Martin Jr. / Eric Carle

“Brown bear brown bear what do you see? I think I see a bird.” – Kelana ( 5 yo)

Buku karya Eric Carle ini tersedia dalam dua ukuran, Big book dan buku biasa. Biasanya anak-anak sangat tertarik ketika saya baca buku yang berukuran besar.

Mereka terlihat takjub dengan gambar binatang yang besar memenuhi halaman buku. Mereka selalu tak sabar untuk membuka halaman selanjutnya.

Saat membaca buku ini, saya berusaha bersuara seperti binatang yang tergambar, kemudian saya ajak anak-anak mengenal jenis-jenis binatang, warna tubuh mereka, menerka binatang apa yang akan dilihat selanjutnya, dan bergerak atau bersuara seperti mereka.

Selain itu, kalimat-kalimat dalam buku ini selalu diulang-ulang, jadi buku ini bisa jadi pilihan bagi pembaca pemula.

🔴 Reading ✔️
🔴 Letters ✔️
🔴 Vocabulary ✔️
🔴 Movement ✔️
🔴 Communication ✔️

10 Korean Drama of 2019 Based on Webtoon or Webcomics

Nowadays, we are spoiled by korean dramas with storyline based on webtoon.

It was like a treat for both fans, webtoon and kdramas. The anticipation on how the actor and actress portrayed the webtoon character could bring the drama into success or failed.

As an avid reader of comics, manga, and webtoon, I pretty much enjoyed all kdramas based on them.

Especially those with funny, comical, fantasy, easy cheesy, and lovey dovey on. Although I don’t mind with the serious or dark one, at all.

So, here are some korean drama aka kdrama air in 2019, which I enjoyed wating them

1. Extraordinary you

Based on the webcomic series July Found by Chance” by Moo Ryoo via

It is a very entertaining drama with lots of hillarious Dan Oh moment. All the cast are such eye candies and quite match with the webtoon character.

Watching this drama after you read the webtoon is like watching the webtoon came to life, so unreal.

2. Tale of nokdu

Based on webcomic “Nokdujeon” by Hye Jin Yang via

It is a funny and non stereotype kind of drama. Setting in historical era where a man pretend to be a woman instead.

Loving this drama for Kim So Hyun with her new character. I just love her acting here.

3. Pegasus market

Based on the webtoon “Pegasus Market” by Kim Kyu Sam via

Just like its title, the story revolve around a market with all of its unique employee. If you are looking for drama with eye candies cast then it might not your cup of tea.

4. Stranger from hell

Based on webcomic of “Stranger from hell” same name by Kim Yong Ki via

At first, I was excited to see the cast and the promising story since I don’t see hint of love line here. Furthermore, I haven’t read the webtoon, yet.

But then, it was as scary as hell, just like its title. Somehow, I couldn’t forget Lee Dong Wook psychopath scary smiley face afterward.

5. Love alarm
Based on the webtoonLove Alarm” by Chun Gye Young via

It was the most hype drama since netflix is involved. The webtoon itself is aso a huge hit. So, no wonder if this drama widely known and unbelievable popular as in viewers calls for season 2.

6. Save me season 2
Based on the Korean manhwa/webtoon “Out of the World” by Jo Geum San via ““. It’s the second season of Save Me (Season 1).

It was kind of dark story. I Haven’t read the webtoon but I really like the drama. Especially Save Me season 1.

7. Item
Based on the webtoon “Item” by Min Hyung via ““.

Truthfully, I’ve been keeping this drama in my watch list. So, I still don’t have any opinion about this drama. But, I heldmy hope high.

8. Kingdom
Based on webcomic series “Land of the Gods”, which was authored Writer Kim Eun Hee and drawn by Yang Kyung Il.

Been fostering myself to be brave and watch this drama. Maybe, next time.

9. Neighborhood lawyer jo

Based on the webtoon “Dongnebyunhosa Jodeulho” by Hatchling via ““.

I enjoyed this drama as I watched it. Not very impress, but since I like lawyer kind of theme, so this one is fine for me.

10. Her Private Life

Based on webcomics Nuna Paen Datkom” by Kim Sung Yeon.

I enjoyed this drama a lot. Swoon over the couple all through the episodes. Laugh my heart out for many scenes showed in the drama.

Love the idea of successful woman been fangirling over an idol. She was channeling maany woman out there, including me.

Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling

In this entire universe, I guess there are none who don’t know about Harry Potter. He is just phenomenal.

Anything related to Potter are very famous worldwide. Books, movies, merchandise, shooting places, actors and actress, and off course, the one and only, J. K. Rowling, the author.

I remember how anxious I am when the book finally published in my country. It was a pre order kind of book, since too many requested and definitely not all gonna get the book.

So, when I finally get a bundle of bag with potter’s sign in my hands, I was beyond excited and thrilled (at that moment, I was younger though, so I tend to be more exagerated). I get the book with some goodies or I may say merchandise. How great is that.

For the story itself, many reviews are out there, so I mostly have the same opinion with them who love the book as much.

Breakfast in Arch Cafe

Arch Cafe is one of cafes you can find around central market.

It is a small cafe, but has a cozy atmosphere.

We’re so lucky that our hotel is in the same building, next to it to be precise. And the fact that our breakfast is in this cafe excites us even more.

One of signature dessert in this cafe is none other than its durian cakes. Unfortunately, I haven’t taste it, yet.

I was kinda scared to eat durian cos it’s been a long time since I tasted one. And the last experience with durian is something I won’t repeat again.

Regardless, this cafe is one of those places you can visit to kill your time. Just bring a book to read or a friend to chat along accompanied by a cup of coffee and all set up.

Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss

Setiap kali membaca buku karya Dr. Seuss ini pasti menarik perhatian anak-anak.

Biasanya mereka akan tertawa atau komentar “it’s so funny” setiap kali mendengar saya membaca kata-kata yang kadang aneh terdengar ditelinga mereka. Ditambah lagi dengan gambar dan alur cerita yang aneh bin ajaib juga.

Buku ini saya bacakan kalau saya ingin mengenalkan bunyi yang dihasilkan setiap huruf atau akhiran sebuah kata. Yang nantinya akan mempermudah mereka untuk mengenali dan membaca kata-kata hingga kalimat sederhana.